Building a Fairy Tale Land
This construction project began in the second week of October and has not stopped! Our students have developed an interest in castles and fairy tales. It started with just a few towers then expanded into a whole Fairy Tale Land.
We collected fiction and non-fiction books on the subject of castles and several fairy tale books.The students looked through these books and decided what our Fairy Tale Land needed.
"They have windows".
"Castles have big towers"
"Kings and queens and prince and princesses live there".
"I see pathways".
Students worked together and created such beautiful pieces of art such as, towers, bridges, carriages, treasure chests, princes, princesses, kings, and much more.
After reading many Fairy Tales we learned more about the princesses we love and added things to Fairy Tale land that were important to their stories. The students added an ocean and a ship for the Little Mermaid and a forest for Snow White. The students also thought the princesses would like a place to relax and have fun, so they made a tree house!
Our Fairy Tale Land has allowed students to engage in conversation, ask questions and use their imaginations to create stories with the characters they love.
Here is our castle! The fun continues.
Looking ahead…
Students are developing an interest in writing letters to their favourite Disney characters. We are hoping to send these letters out to Disney Land!