Friday, 4 December 2015

Our Week in Kindergarten November 30 - December 4

Dear Families,

Ms. Ancona added tubes and pipes to our Water Centre. We realized that the water rolls down and goes into the holes. We were trying to build a slide but the pieces kept falling over. We are going to try to make a slide that goes all the way across our water centre, but is more steady. We could build things under the slide to make it steady.

We are finished our classroom alphabet! Some letters were tricky make so we worked together and helped our friends. We liked making our alphabet because we learned so many ABC songs along the way. And we learned what vowels and consonants are! We really like our letter J (Jellybeans), G (Googly Eyes), W (Wheels), and Ms. Boag's X (X-Ray). 

Last week our Bluejays were excited to show the classroom to their families. We showed them our Too Much Glue Story, the art on our Bulletin Boards, the McDonalds, and our Cubby Area. 
This week, the Chickadees parents visited. We hope you had fun. We had fun playing and reading with our brothers and sisters, and being the teachers. Thank-You for Visiting! Come again Soon!

Yesterday we started making crowns and put stars and decorations on them. We made different crowns for different people - Princesses, Princes, Knights, Kings, and Queens! We want to learn what these people do and what they need and where they live. Next, we want to try to make costumes and maybe put on a play! We have named this story our 'Kingdom of Fantasy'! Stay tuned for more adventures.

Love, The Bluejays!

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Our Co-Created Alphabet

Co-Creating Our Classroom Alphabet

While learning about sorting in our classroom one student decided that we can sort the letters of the alphabet. We began with sorting the letter magnets by colour, and then our discussion deepened as we tried sorting by letter name, upper and lower case and eventually by vowels and consonants. 

Over the next weeks, students in small groups were challenged to work together to sort 'mystery items' and try to identify the letters hiding inside each box.

Each student made a letter - with one left over for Ms. Boag! We displayed our letters                     over our word wall and best writing board.

Here is our completed alphabet!
Can you tell what each letter is made of?